About Us
The surgery is situated in the rural village of Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, and has been established since the early 1990s. We currently have two partners (male and female) with a further partner (female) joining in early 2024.
Our list size is around 6000 with patients living in the surrounding villages over an area of about 70 sq miles. Being a rural practice, we have our own dispensary, with some 6000 scripts being dispensed each month.
In the early 1920s Dr Lawrence was the general practitioner in Sharnbrook. His son joined him later in the same decade and they lived in adjoining houses in Odell Road, practicing from these premises. Dr Robert Ross bought the medical practice in 1945 and again worked from his home in the Odell road.
In 1960 he was joined by Dr Joan Hedges. After Dr Ross’s retirement in 1973 Dr Joan had to move the surgery from Odell Road into an adapted mobile home in Glebe rise. To help with the increasing patient numbers she was assisted by her son Mark who came to help “just for a few months” and stayed for many years becoming the senior partner.
The present surgery used to be the house of the manager of Sharnbrook Motors, long since closed and now built over by new houses. Dr Valerie Howes joined the practice in 1980 bringing her expertise to the growing patient list. The building was extended in 1986 when Dr Joan Hedges retired and Dr John Rochford joined the practice, followed by Dr Jason Reddy and Dr Marcus Thomas.
In 2002 further changes to the practice building were made with the dispensary and consulting rooms being extended, refurbishment and enlargement of the treatment room, an additional consulting room being added and improvements to the staff and patient car parks.
Our Location
The practice is part of the Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK) Integrated Care Board and is situated in the north of the county being some 8 miles north of Bedford and 9 miles south of Rushden Northants.
The Partners
Dr Jason Reddy (Senior Partner)
Dr Jason Reddy joined the practice in July 2013. His parents (both Durban-born doctors of the South-African /Indian diaspora) worked in South Africa , Uganda and Nigeria where Jason was born on their ‘working travels’ in 1966. They emigrated to Liverpool in 1970 as his Father was a Professor of Community Medicine at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (seconded to Nigeria). In April 2009 Dr Reddy qualified as an Associate Trainer for the East of England Deanery. In June 2009 he was appointed Deputy Medical Director for NHS Bedfordshire with specific PCT roles being: Responsible Officer for GP Revalidation, Lead GP for Emergency Planning, Named GP for Safeguarding Children, Caldicott Guardian (to advise on the safekeeping of Patient information). Jason is the Clinical Director for Unity PCN and also participates in the extended access service for BEDOC.
Dr Alice Pater
Dr Alice Pater joined the practice as a salaried GP in 2018 and then after a short period in Australia rejoined the practice in March 2020, becoming a Partner in October 2023 when Dr Marcus Thomas retired from the partnership. Dr Pater loves the variety of true general practice in a small community. While completing training she worked in the ear, nose and throat department, gynaecology department and paediatric department. She holds a diploma of the faculty of sexual and reproductive health and is able to fit ring pessaries
Coronavirus – Reducing your Risk
This page contains information and links to resources on how you could reduce the risk of contracting Coronavirus, and also information on ways to help you reduce the severity of symptoms should you contract Coronavirus.
Whilst we cannot guarantee that your symptoms will be less severe, there is growing evidence that a healthy BMI and respiratory system, along with overall wellbeing, are contributory factors in reducing your risk*.
Top 4 Things
1. Wash your hands
2. Social distancing
3. Wear a mask
4. Get tested if you have symptoms
Better Health Campaign
The Better Health Campaign is recently launched government programme that can help with weight loss and increased activity
You can also self-refer to the Lifestyle hub for support with weight loss and exercise here
The NHS BMI calculator can be used to help you monitor your progress
The Couch to 5K programme can be accessed here
If you have already completed the Couch to 5K programme, you can find tips on how to continue and stay motivated here
The charity Caraline offers support to people living with eating disorders. You can self-refer to the service here
Stop Smoking
The stop smoking service offers specialist help and support, along with the option for Stop Smoking medication
Mental Health
Every Mind Matters has expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing, and addresses the challenges we all face with Coronavirus
You can self-refer to the Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service here
Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous online chat service which is available to young people aged 11 to 25
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year on 116123
There is lots of help around sleep on Every Mind matters
Sleepstation is a clinically validated sleep improvement programme that can help you sleep better after just 4 sessions. Some options are available on the NHS
Flu Vaccinations
If you are eligible, you should have the flu vaccination. Whilst this does not protect you from Coronavirus, it will give you some immunity from flu, which like Coronavirus, is predominantly a respiratory illness
Coronavirus Resources
Your plasma might save lives! The NHS Blood and Transplant are asking 18-65 year old males who have had COVID-19 to donate their plasma (antibodies) as part of research into new treatments. For more details, visit : www.nhsbt.nhs.uk/how-you-can-help/convalescent-plasma-clinical-trial/. Thank you.
COVID – Advice when isolating at home
To apply for a CoronaVirus Test, please visit www.nhs.uk/ask-for-a-coronavirus-test.
Patients who have planned operations are asked to self-isolate for two weeks prior to the surgery. Please do not ask your GP or the hospital to provide a sick note – if you require a sick note to cover absence from work, you can obtain this by following this link: 111.nhs.uk/isolation-note
To participate in the clinical trial by donating blood plasma, you can sign up for this through the NHS Blood and Transplant site at www.nhsbt.nhs.uk/how-you-can-help/convalescent-plasma-clinical-trial. If you have had a positive test result for Covid-19, or have had symptoms, you may be able to help.
Coronavirus vaccine research
Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases.They’re designed so they do not give people the infection they’re protecting against.Research into vaccines is the only way to find out which vaccines will work. Researchers need people to take part in their studies so they can find out which possible new vaccine works best. Visit www.nhs.uk/coronavirus-vaccine-research to find out more about taking part in approved UK coronavirus vaccine studies.
Free Online Courses to Support Your Wellbeing
Parent Information leaflet – where and how to seek help when your child is unwell.
Red Cross Support Services – for Bedford Borough Residents.
This link will take you to the self-isolation and symptom treatment approach www.nhs.uk/self-isolation-and-treatment
For patients needing help while self-isolating please contact Bedford Borough Council.
The following link contains information on local support, but also a wide range of links to activities and resources – www.yourwellbeingbedfordshire.org.uk/self-isolating-need-something-to-do/.
To access resources on mental health and wellbeing during this period of crisis, please go to www.gov.uk/covid-19-guidance-for-the-public-on-mental-health-and-wellbeing.
Luton & Bedfordshire Mental Health Crisis Support – To access mental health support in the event of a crisis, contact 111 option 2.
Useful videos by the Association of Palliative Medicine on Care Planning; hoping for the best and preparing for the worst: apmonline.org/news-events/covid-19-resources-for-the-public/.
If you have a musculoskeletal issue, please visit our musculoskeletal information page for further information.
Q&A from Cancer Charities – update 18th May 2020
Advice for Parents
The following links have a variety of resources for parents:
RCPH: What to do if your child is unwell during lockdown
A guide for parents on which service to contact during Covid-19.
Advance Care Plans
If you wish to complete your Advance Care Plan for Covid-19, guidance notes and a template are available here.
Please note that this is not a Do Not Resuscitate order, and you will need to speak with your GP should you want further information on this
Coronavirus – ways to get help
As the coronavirus pandemic affects all areas of our lives and lockdown, furlough and job uncertainty make everyone think differently, we have pulled together a list of resources that may help.
Call us if you need support from the foodbank – we can provide you with a voucher code which can be used for 3 days emergency food supply and personal items. (If you are self-isolating, someone can attend the foodbank to collect on your behalf – you will need to contact the foodbank to advise them).
There are various locations around Bedford, follow the link below to view specific locations and opening times.
Let us know which foodbank you will use so we can issue you with the appropriate code.
Below are some useful links on how to eat well on a budget:
www.nutrition.org.uk – Healthy eating on a budget
www.bhf.org.uk – Healthy eating on a budget
Below is a link with information on how to reduce food waste:
Financial health
Our social prescriber can work with you to support you with your finances and create a financial recovery plan.
If you would like to be referred to the social prescriber, send us a message through the website outlining the reason for the referral. A member of the team may contact you if we require additional information; otherwise we will refer you directly.
www.stepchange.org is a charity that can give practical advice on how to manage any debts you may have.
www.entitledto.co.uk offers a benefits calculator that can check if you are entitled to any benefits.
The ‘Browse: How benefits work’ page on the Gov.uk website lists all available benefits, with links to allow you to apply.
The ‘Benefits’ page on the Citizens Advice website includes information on benefits you may be entitled to during coronavirus.
www.benefitsguide.co.uk is charity that has some useful information on benefits.
Mental Health
If you need to speak to someone the Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call them for free on 116 123.
Below are some useful links:
Young people
Below are links to some services that offer support specifically for young people:
www.kooth.com (free, safe & anonymous online chat service available to young people aged 11-25)
www.bedfordopendoor.org.uk (free and confidential counselling for young people aged 13-25)
Digital Health Apps – NHS
Find digital tools on the NHS Digital Apps website to help you manage and improve your health, sourced by the NHS. These can be downloaded on any Apple or Android device and there are plenty of apps to help you with long term conditions and other health related issues. These include the following list:
Disabled Access
The Practice has disabled access, designated disabled parking bays and disabled toilet facilities. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any special difficulties or requirements when visiting the Practice.
There are a limited number of parking spaces in the car park. We ask you to respect the reserved parking for medical staff and the disabled driver spaces.
Home Visits
If you are able, please come to the surgery. If you are housebound or too ill to travel and require a home visit please telephone before 10.00am. When a visit is requested it is helpful if you can give the receptionist enough information to allow the doctor to prioritise the request.
Travel Vaccinations
This page gives guidance on travel vaccinations offered under the NHS.
If possible, see the Nurse at least 8 weeks before you’re due to travel.
Before you attend the surgery to book your vaccines please visit the following websites for guidance on what vaccines you require. Please kindly look on the NHS app as to your previous vaccines before attending the surgery or kindly ask our receptionist to print off your vaccination list.
Under the vaccination section when you have searched your destination. It states: ‘Courses or boosters usually advised’ these tend to be the vaccines needed before travel, ‘Other vaccines to consider’ you need to look at the type of holiday you are going on ie: Back packing, camping and trekking you will heighten your risk factors and may need other vaccines.
The free vaccinations we offer here are:
Combined diphtheria/tetanus/polio jab
Hepatitis A
Combined diphtheria/tetanus/polio jab
This tends to be administered every 10 years if at ongoing risk wherever your travelling too, if you have 5 tetanus vaccines recorded this will cover you for a lifetime.
This is administered every 3 years if going to a high risk destination.
Hepatitis A
This is administered twice, an initial vaccine then again at 6-12 months to cover for up to 25 years. 2nd dose can be boosted up to seven years after the first injection was given to provide you still with adequate cover.
There is more information on the following website:
There has been vaccines shortages so we can only provide what is available to us.
HRT Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC)
If you pay for NHS prescribed HRT medicine 3 or more times in 12 months, an HRT PPC could save you money.
Each item on an NHS prescription usually costs £9.65. You can buy an HRT PPC for a one-off payment of £19.30 (the cost of two single items).
The HRT PPC covers an unlimited number of certain HRT medicines for 12 months, regardless of why they are prescribed.
For more information on the HRT PPC and Medicines Covered, please see below: